Mustard is a herb with various usages. Mustard baths are recommended for treating headaches, colds and cough. The consumption of one spoonful of mustard seeds 2 or 3 times a day could have laxative effects. Also, the mustard seeds, whether white or black, are used for treating respiratory problems.
The lack of food appetite can be alleviated through consuming black mustard seeds dissolved into a glass of milk, administered 15 minutes before a meal. Asthma can be treated by applying, during a period of 20 minutes, black mustard flour poultice on the chest area. Against headaches, or pains caused by long exposure to cold or to air drafts, it is recommended that a small bag of 200g of black mustard seeds be added into the bath water, kept inside for 10 minutes and then removed. The effects of rheumatic pains and neuralgias are also decreased through the use of general baths.
Intoxications can be treated by drinking, on an empty stomach, a glass of water, which was mixed with a spoonful of black mustard flour administered on an empty stomach. The mixture will induce a state of vomit, therefore permitting the elimination of toxic materials from the stomach.
Bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia are treated by applying a black mustard flour poultice on the chest area. It is maintained as long as the burning sensation is not strong, it is then removed and the area is to be covered with a warm material.
Kitchen Use:
Mustard is used in Indian, French, German and Irish cuisines. Mustard is used in salad dressings, egg dishes, cheese dishes, pickles and vegetables. Mustard is rubbed over meat before roasting. It is also added to butter to give butter a pleasant flavor.
Medicinal use:
Mustard is used as remedy for the following few problems: Bronchitis, Muscular and skeletal pains. It stimulates circulation in pain area and thus help to relieve pain.
Fever and cold: Take Mustard tea.
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